See What’s Coming: Microsoft to Release New Updates to Dynamics 365

See What’s Coming: Microsoft to Release New Updates to Dynamics 365

Microsoft released their newest updates for their CRM application, Dynamics 365 and you won’t believe what this new installment has in store.  Having just introduced this application in July, Microsoft’s Dynamics 365 has taken CRM and ERP systems by storm. The application can be described as a data collection tool in which it delivers intelligent experiences and services in order to help organizations make better decisions more efficiently. So, what capabilities can you expect to optimize next?

Dynamics 365 + LinkedIn Sales Navigator

First, you can expect to improve sales using Dynamics 365. Now that Microsoft has integrated the LinkedIn Sales Navigator tool into their application, expect to see even more closed deals from salespeople. With this new integration, salespeople will now be able to gain insights from LinkedIn Sales Navigator as well as LinkedIn’s platform of over 500 million professional; improving their effectiveness of connecting with perspective customers.

Salespeople can now leverage signals from leads across multiple platforms (email, CRM, LinkedIn) all in one place. This will allow them to better establish leads and find prospects that are best suited for their product/service. By incorporating the Sales Navigator, salespeople are able build better relationships with potential customers and continue nourishing those relationships even after the sale is closed.

This update also helps salespeople create tailored content that will engage potential customers at every stage of the lifecycle. Since these two applications are now integrated, potential, current, and past client profiles will be continuously updated based on account activity.


A Little Something for Human Resources

In any organization, talent is an expensive resource that is hard to come by. It is HR’s job to recruit the best of the best, and that can sometimes be a tedious, daunting task. With this update, Microsoft has introduced a new extension of their application specifically to help HR manage the scarce resource that is talent, called Dynamics 365 for Talent. Dynamics 365 for Talent provides a 360° view utilizing modules that allow HR to access the best talent even faster than before. With integrations from LinkedIn Recruiter, HR has access to more candidates. They are also able to accelerate the onboarding process by delivering an onboarding experience that is unique to each new employee. Dynamics 365 can help maximize HR capabilities by providing measures and analysis of employee performance. Not only will this help drive employee excellence, but help HR identify employees that are continuously making an impact in their business.

These are just some of Microsoft’s most recent updates to Dynamics 365, but don’t worry there is still more to come. Be on the lookout for Microsoft’s release of Dynamics 365 Business Edition apps for Sales and Marketing. These apps will be structured specifically for small to mid-size companies and will be available July 1, 2017.

4 Ways to Effectively Incorporate PowerBi in your Business

4 Ways to Effectively Incorporate PowerBi in your Business

Regardless of what business you are in, Microsoft’s PowerBi can bring your data to life. This software allows employees to organize data that is transferable across all departments, creating easy visuals to understand and analyze. Simply put, PowerBi is a best practices method that not only will help your company meet it’s KPIs (key performance indicators) each quarter, but allow employees to focus on data that matters most. However, implementing PowerBi in your organization is not as easy as a click of a button. To get the most out of PowerBi, we have identified 4 ways to effectively incorporate PowerBi into your business.

1. Create Dashboards for all Data Driven Teams

One of the most beneficial features of PowerBi is the ability to create interactive reports. This feature offers tools that allow you to analyze, transform, and visualize data. These reports can then be compiled onto one dashboard for all relevant data and analysis to be displayed. To get the most out of this component of PowerBi, dashboards and reports should be developed for all data driven teams. This includes IT, Marketing, Operations, and Finance departments.

2. Utilize SQL Server Analysis Services to Build Reusable Models

By adding SQL Server Analysis Services to your database, building reusable models for PowerBi is easier than ever. Incorporating this with PowerBi will provide your employees with consistent analysis throughout all departments and dashboards. This will also save time in the long run. Once one model is built, it can easily be used as a template for other dashboards; only requiring you to pull the necessary data from the appropriate data sources. By eliminating the tedious task of constantly developing new models for reports downtime is minimized and returns are maximized.

3. Make Dashboards Accessible Across all Teams

Not only should you build dashboards for each department, but you should make these dashboards accessible across all teams. A valuable feature in PowerBi is selecting who can manage and control each dashboard, as well as dictating who has viewing rights. This creates a sense of transparency in your business. By enabling all departments to view all dashboards you improve communication between cross-functional teams. Eliminating the need to ask for additional data from a department, for example between HR and Finance, not only improves productivity but saves time and money.

4. Link Your PowerBi with SharePoint

Microsoft’s recent integration of PowerBi and SharePoint is an optimal opportunity for you to make your data even more accessible for your team. With this new update, accessing your company data and analysis has become easier than ever. So why not take advantage of this? Instead of having to go back and forth between SharePoint and PowerBi, dashboards can be uploaded straight to SharePoint creating more visibility in the work place. Linking these two applications generates a more effective way for employees to make decisions that will benefit your company most.

Incorporating these 4 tips into your business will not only improve how effective PowerBi is, but enhance company work flow. The result? An easier way for employees to analyze company data and take advantage of insights that were previously unknown.

Check out our other blog posts about SharePoint and Microsoft Products!

Have some questions about Power BI, SharePoint, and how they can work for you?

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Grab a Slice of the SharePoint Pie and Reap the Benefits

Grab a Slice of the SharePoint Pie and Reap the Benefits

There’s no topping this. You probably know if you have Office 365 software. You also know that you have SharePoint Online. What you don’t know is you can utilize SharePoint Online to develop an effective company intranet, with the help of SharePoint consultants (like us). This is the case with many companies; they have capabilities that they aren’t taking advantage of. So why aren’t you taking a piece of the SharePoint pie?

Intranets are used in many different types of organizations. It acts as the center hub for employees to find company news and data, plus an easy way to communicate between employees and find the most current department content. It is a personalized experience for every user in your company; allowing them to put their priorities and tasks forward facing to make it even easier to find the information and contacts they need. The best part? It creates even more efficiency and transparency in your company. Employees become more productive because they know exactly what they are looking for and where to find it; reducing slack time. With the help of SharePoint consultants, it is even easier and affordable for companies to make their intranet completely unique to them; all the way from their company branding to the layout of the intranet itself.

A SharePoint Intranet can benefit companies of all sizes. Traditionally, only larger corporations reaped the benefits of SharePoint intranets. However, in the last few years Microsoft has introduced new features improving SharePoint’s capabilities for small businesses.  Small businesses can now take advantage of SharePoint to enhance collaboration and efficiency in the workplace. They also leave room for growth and innovation. As more and more people work remotely, companies are finding it difficult to keep the same communication between employees as they did when everyone used their company office as a home-base and not their kitchen tables. This is a prime reason why our clients are rushing to implement SharePoint’s Intranet capabilities and are reaping the benefits.

So what are you waiting for? Dig in.

Interested in hearing what else SharePoint can dish up for you and your business?

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Microsoft integrated Power BI with SharePoint and it will change your Life

Microsoft integrated Power BI with SharePoint and it will change your Life

        Microsoft just dropped its latest update to SharePoint Online and it has us all breaking out into a happy dance. The company just announced that it is integrating Power BI with SharePoint. If you are anything like us, SharePoint is a central component in your day to day work. Now that Power BI is in SharePoint, gathering and uploading data is more efficient than ever. This new integration eliminates the need to code in dashboards from Power BI. Instead the dashboards can be uploaded to the necessary SharePoint page directly, allowing more visibility within and between departments. Now, not only do you have a more effective way of sharing data, but employees can make better decisions and make them faster than ever before!



         For newer users, the main purpose of Power BI is to bring all your data together. This way employees can pull from it or even transform and shape it in a way that meets your company’s needs. The best part is it does not matter where the data is pulled from, (ie. MailChimp, Adobe Analytics, Salesforce) Power BI allows users to connect and pull from hundreds of data sources. Check out how Power BI can better improve your data organization here.

How to Adopt SharePoint Effectively into your Business

How to Adopt SharePoint Effectively into your Business

When incorporating any new software in a company, there is always the challenge of getting your users to adopt it and benefit from the functionalities offered. When rolling out SharePoint Online, it is imperative that the proper steps are taken to guarantee user adoption, otherwise the software becomes useless. Here are some tips that will get your employees online with SharePoint.

Setup a Rollout Plan: You must keep employees in the know, let them know what is coming. When setting up the plan, communication, training, content conversion, and user support should be included. It is also effective to incorporate types of rewards and incentives for using SharePoint Online. If your employees know what they could gain from the software, they will be more inclined to use it.

Develop a Metrics System to Track Company Usage and Success with SharePoint: When first rolling out SharePoint, consider incorporating a reports and analytics software too. This allows higher executives and IT to track and measure usage in SharePoint. Providing them with useful information to identify what aspects of SharePoint are used most and what aspects are being ignored.

Educate your Employees: One of the best ways to influence your employees to use a new software is by educating them and letting them know what is in it for them. Educate them of all the different ways SharePoint Online can benefit their day-to-day activities, making tedious tasks easier and allowing more time for productivity. Also, showcase different scenarios of common challenges in your business and how SharePoint Online helps resolve those challenges.

Get Feedback from Employees: In addition to implementing a metrics systems to track what ways the company is using SharePoint Online, you also need to get feedback from employees directly. By doing this, you can pin-point what aspects of SharePoint work for your employees, what needs improvement, and what is unnecessary. Whether feedback is positive or negative always respond to it so your employees know that their compliments and concerns are being heard by higher authority. This will not only improve employee happiness in the workplace but also give employees more incentive to use SharePoint since they feel like their voices are being heard.

Make Adjustments as Necessary: As feedback starts funneling in, assess the issues and concerns of your employees and make adjustments as necessary. Do not face all these changes at one time, this could result in confusion from employees, especially if they have started to get accustomed to the new software. Instead, slowly implement the new changes into SharePoint based on importance. Notify employees when these changes are made and how these changes are more effective toward employee productivity as well as efficiency.

Optimize Employee Productivity with Office365 & SharePoint Online

Optimize Employee Productivity with Office365 & SharePoint Online

In any organization, keeping tabs of employee work and progress can be a tedious, sometimes impossible task. By utilizing SharePoint in Office 365, CEOs and top executives can prevent projects from getting derailed, staying on track and keeping employees accountable for their productivity. It also increases organization within a company, further improving company productivity as a whole. But how do executives and employees utilize SharePoint to get these results? We have the top 5 ways to optimize employee productivity with SharePoint in Office 365.

Centralize Knowledge Management

A crucial factor in any company intranet is having proper knowledge management. Having information centralized on the company intranet, enables employees to locate and recall information easier and more efficiently. By doing this, productivity levels will improve drastically. Employees will no longer take hours to locate the information they need or use this as an excuse, since all the information they need will be easily accessible. For centralized knowledge management to remain continuously effective, comprehensive labeling and regular updates, adding new material and purging old material, is essential.

Implement Transparency

By informing staff about company news and happenings on your intranet, there is more transparency between employees and the company as a whole. This may seem tedious, but when there is new and ever changing information it is imperative that everyone is on the same page.  In doing this, employees are able to stay up to date on policy changes, employment agreements, and any other important reports. This will save employees valuable time and reduce the number of mass emails sent out that always seem to get lost in your inbox.


One of the main reasons social intranets are being implemented is to promote communication and collaboration throughout a company. This platform acts as a benchmark vehicle for employees to easily communicate on projects, and streamlines collaboration since all documents and materials for a project are easily accessible in one place. An intranet can be looked at as an email alternative for employees. Whereas, mass emails between departments can get overlooked, discussion dashboards create transparency and keep all materials current, simplifying the way teams collaborate throughout your company.

Track Performance

In any organization, it can be difficult to keep track of every employee. By implementing an intranet, CEOs and employees can monitor their performance to make sure they are staying on track with projects and tasks. In an organization, it only takes one person to derail a project. Intranets allow companies to isolate this issue, enabling them to swiftly correct an employee’s performance or lack thereof. This not only keeps employees accountable, but optimizes productivity.

Improve Internal Communication and Company Culture

It is just as important to promote your company brand and culture externally as it is internally. This not only creates a strong sense of company culture, but it also improves employee engagement, resulting in greater productivity. Incorporating your company colors, logo, and mission into your intranet are quick and easy ways to do this. Adding links to company lingo is also beneficial so employees are more knowledgeable of how to address their target market. Promoting media and company outing opportunities, like community service activities, that relate to your company’s core values and philosophies can significantly aid in bringing your organization closer together, improving the level of intellectual ideas and solutions brought to the table.